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Home » General Discussion » Bait and switch fairways house

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1/15/2025 9:05:10 AM

Posts: 75
Booked a sabrina riverside for an hour.. get there to find a totally different wg.. non the less this wasnt so bad but just not my type.. she was new only working there about 4 days in.. healthy and thick in all the right places.. proper busty set of racks.. I'd give her an 8 out of 10 for looks.. took a shower and asked for a towel.. all the towels in the house were use and stinky.. went strait home for a second shower.. will I return.. never again.. hygiene is a must for me..
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1/15/2025 9:47:30 AM

Posts: 1076
Sorry about your experience Uzzi.
The people running these houses just don't care about client satisfaction.
They run the house just like the taxi industry. As long as the wheels are turning, let's keep going.
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1/16/2025 12:51:20 AM

Posts: 1274
might as well start carrying our own towel and soap many venues are like this , they have showers to use but no soap no hot water no towels when you come out the shower you risking slipping and falling anyway it is what it is
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1/16/2025 3:08:40 AM

Posts: 1076
That's a great idea Nevil.
I always ask over the phone about bathroom facilities and with all the power and water outages, I also clarify if these facilities are active.
1 or 2 still lie though.
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1/20/2025 6:22:44 AM

Posts: 43
Uzzi wrote:
Booked a sabrina riverside for an hour.. get there to find a totally different wg.. non the less this wasnt so bad but just not my type.. she was new only working there about 4 days in.. healthy and thick in all the right places.. proper busty set of racks.. I'd give her an 8 out of 10 for looks.. took a shower and asked for a towel.. all the towels in the house were use and stinky.. went strait home for a second shower.. will I return.. never again.. hygiene is a must for me..

Pity as her profile looks good and I have been tempted for a while. Was the venue that bad?
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1/20/2025 7:50:36 AM

Posts: 778
Uzzi wrote:
Booked a sabrina riverside for an hour.. get there to find a totally different wg.. non the less this wasnt so bad but just not my type.. she was new only working there about 4 days in.. healthy and thick in all the right places.. proper busty set of racks.. I'd give her an 8 out of 10 for looks.. took a shower and asked for a towel.. all the towels in the house were use and stinky.. went strait home for a second shower.. will I return.. never again.. hygiene is a must for me..

So where is Fairways house and how many blues and link for the wg please
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1/20/2025 10:03:45 AM

Posts: 1076
Is it this one? Looks nice.
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Home » General Discussion » Bait and switch fairways house

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