3/2/2025 11:00:03 AM
Katpoe Posts: 5
Guys how are Belles Toujours tits, are they soft or hard. Can I know what to expect before I book her.
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3/2/2025 1:29:18 PM
nevil Posts: 1305
When u makn the booking ask her let's see what she says
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3/3/2025 3:09:03 AM
maverick Posts: 49
Hey Katpoe
i saw her a few years back and I recall they were firmer than i expected for a lady of her age. I suspect they had been helped with a surgeon.
But it was a very good punt!
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3/3/2025 7:54:58 AM
Test Posts: 269
It’s huge. Enhanced by a good surgeon. Nice and firm.
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3/4/2025 8:24:05 AM
Thick Posts: 27
Met her at a 60th Birthday party...Had no idea she was a working lady when I met her. Saw her fully naked pics RV....I should have made a move...ha ha
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