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Home » New Redvelvet Escorts » Warning to all punter/ discussion/opinions

Some of the girls who just joined Redvelvet.co.za
2/26/2023 1:43:33 PM

Posts: 1500
Hi Gents hope all is well.i noticed someone requested a watsapp group on one of the topics a few days back and whilst some punters gave in number i specific punter made a very valid point!!! And it says ..."who says that the police and the scammers are nt members on this site and are monitoring our
Chats and advice etc.
This really opened up my eyes and iam shocked some are brave to leave numbers so casualy.
May i suggust gents we do nt give in to much info example our numbers .then talk abt premises that working girls are working example address etc rather just comment on condition of venue.
Rather nt mention road etc this cud save the safety of
Us as punters and the wg wer there cud b a possible bust etc.
Please guys correct me if iam wrong as i said just a suggestion and wid to know ur thoughts. ..thanks guys
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