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Home » General Discussion » Site suggestions: please add to this thread

General Discussion
4/28/2014 7:55:23 AM

Posts: 7
Hey guys, great site. In fact the best in SA for inven tory and layout (textrader and esa being the only 2 other contenders, and naughtyreviews.com being quesitonable for SA).

However, I have several suggestions for really easy improvements (assuming you are programming the site yourself, this is dead easy I mean):
  • Organise escorts by age, date joined, or date updated
  • Cookie my preferred towns, and give me all escorts from there
  • Better search using the fetish options the girls choose, PLUS a load of other metrics; to start off with you can load the metrics per girt yourself, in future they should maintain their own profiles. Things like height, weight, BMI (calculated), age, etc etc. Pretty much as you'll find on any dating site. Body size os SO important when searching! Petite vs curvy vs BBW. And race - why omit that? It's both a screen in and screen out for most people.
  • MUCH more info on each girl please!
  • Ability for punters to rate and comment - not via the forum, but directly into a girls profile. You can moderate the reviews of course.
  • Drop the picture carousel and rather give us pictures all on one page. It's the same load burden and way better to visualise
  • Your recent SMS is interesting. Clearly you have an SMS gateway running. How dead easy it would be to show SMS's from my favourited escorts on my home page
  • Plus show which of my favourites are currently available
  • Oh, when I login, I get to home page. But thereafter it's cumbersome to get back to.
  • Dead simple; create a forum for chatting to escorts. We can see how they interact with other users. Each escort should have their own thread they would monitor. I'm sure ur forum engine manages watching threads?
  • Oh, this is silly, but I click JHB escorts, and it took me days to realise you listed suburbs below all the pics. You need a way better way to get to suburbs. BUT, it's also possible to be too granular. This is why it should be possible to select several suburbs (check boxes) and save that selection in my preferences.
  • And this is SO easy and so necessary; venues should give more info on things like parking and confidentiality. They should have a gallery of girls. Then each pic should like thro to the escort's specific profile. Now, if you do your database correctly, that gallery of girls will be the same as any search result, just for the specific venue. That way a girl can move and the gallery remains correct.
  • Similarly each girl's profile should make it clear if they are under a specific venue (link to venue) or whether they have their OWN house. If so, more info should be provided. Personally, I'd hate to explain why my car is marked in a complex that is in my area.

Keep it up. You have the potential to be the only site in SA. I build businesses (many successful ones) and I've been thinking for AGES that this market would be so simple to stitch up. It'd be tough for me to explain to the wife tho LOL. But seriously, if YOU don;t get this right, someone else will. For girls they need and want a good showcase, and for punters they need a 1-stop shop. Think property portals and who's been winning in that game ;-)

+1 permalink
4/30/2014 8:41:59 AM

Posts: 7
A silly technical issue:
This forum blocks posts with brackets in it. It's annoying if you have typed a long reply then get that block screen. Normal users who don't know how to pull out the form data from the header will have lost their typing. It's you're SQL injection security, and it's easy to manage:
- Allow brackets. They're not a real risk
- Else do a replace instruction before passing the form data to SQL, where you replace round brackets with [ ]
0 permalink
5/15/2014 1:04:09 PM

Posts: 3
1. Higher Res/ Bigger Photos for VIP please!
2. More Nudes!
0 permalink
5/15/2014 1:08:18 PM

Posts: 3
Clicking on a photo on home page takes you to that cities ladies .... but not to the specific photo on the home page.
The featured escorts works well thank you!
0 permalink

Home » General Discussion » Site suggestions: please add to this thread

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