1/5/2024 10:50:58 AM
King-Jan-69 Posts: 5
Hey guys, got any word of warning for any dirty bad bitches to avoid in Durban.
And by that I mean girls who are hitting everyone raw, drug addicts and alcoholics.
Too many of them going round at the moment and we should have a name & shame to keep us safe and especially our money
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1/5/2024 3:28:50 PM
NAEEM19 Posts: 477
I'd say candy hillcrest
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1/5/2024 4:00:25 PM
sash777 Posts: 7
White lady in bellair and sea view, forgot her name. She’s skinny, offered raw on the phone. Major health hazard
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1/6/2024 12:22:00 AM
King Jan 69 Posts: 52
Hopefully we can create a roster here about all these women to avoid - Hooker Avoid List.
Most of them are fucked in the head so we really want to keep away from this caliber of women.
They got nothing to loose so overdosing or catching AIDS means nothing to them.
We certainly don't want to be caught with our pants down with any of them. edited by King Jan 69 on 1/6/2024
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1/6/2024 2:35:41 AM
Assetmanager Posts: 1104
The best way is just post the links on this thread. No need for further explanation. I don't know any wg that fits this criteria. I am sure that many are out there just can't think off any that I know off.
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1/8/2024 8:23:10 AM
Assetmanager Posts: 1104
Sonic kind off makes a point here. In general we should deem all wg's contagious. Wear ppe. If we come across 1 that looks particularly in bad shape then we should leave. Yes post a review to warn others. Posting girls that 'agreed' to full contact after the king made an offer. Seems a bit unfair.
Most wg's are coming from a desperate life situation. They do things that they regret daily.
We are people in a much better life situation and should refrain from using our position of influence to entrap and then shame a person who is after all in a desperate situation. I am emphasizing the entrapment here. If we come across a girl that doesn't have condoms then mention it in the review. I for one have never had an engagement where in the absence of a condom was asked to proceed.
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